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Interprofessional Education & Collaboration

Championing Activities on IPE and IPC in the Philippines and Beyond
Michael P. Sy, MHPEd, OTRP (Last Updated: September 23, 2017)


Introduction to Interprofessional Education (IPE) & Collaboration (IPC)

My attendance in the All Together Better Health 6 in Kobe, Japan was my first exposure to IPE and IPC. In this conference, I was able to present my crude ideas on IPE and IPC in a round table discussion. It also gave me the opportunity to gain global insights on how to emphasize collaborative practice principles between clients and health professionals. The outcome was a full-blown curriculum with assessment tools, which is now called the Family 101 Program.


To request for the full program of the Family 101 curriculum, please send me a message in the Contacts page.

Also, to have an in-depth understanding of IPE and IPC, please refer to the WHO Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (WHO, 2010) document.


IPE Training and Certification

My ATBH6 attendance paved the way for my selection as one of the four delegates for the first-ever international IPE training organized by Gunma University (Japan) - WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education. After our training, we gained official certificates as trained human resources on IPE by Gunma University and the World Health Organization in 2013. Since 2013, human resources from the Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, and Japan have been trained in IPE and IPC. More information on IPE trainings can be viewed by clicking the hyperlinks below:


Master's Thesis Presentations, and Publications on IPE and IPC

My international training and global exposure towards IPE encouraged me to formally conduct a research on the topic through my master's thesis at the University of the Philippines - National Teachers Training Center. It took me almost two years to write and defend my master's thesis entitled "Interprofessional education experience of Filipino OTs, PTs, and SLPs, and their attitudes towards interprofessional education". To further champion IPE in the Philippines, I decided to present a portion of my thesis at the ATBH8 held in Oxford University (United Kingdom) last September 2016. After receiving additional feedback and encouragement from the ATBH8 conference, I decided to submit a portion of my thesis for publication in the Journal of Interprofessional Care. My submission is currently under review, hoping for a positive result very soon.

AUF Delegation for International IPE Training

Championing IPE and IPC in the country cannot be done by one man alone. This led me to establish a partnership between Angeles University Foundation (AUF) and Gunma University in order to train more human resources (both faculty members and students) in IPE. The partnership materialized in August 2015 where two faculty members (Mr RCS Pineda & Ms RAL Sumulong) and three students (K Cayanan, A David, & N Mariano) joined the program along with delegates from Japan, Laos, and Indonesia.


Championing IPE and IPC in the Philippines​

To put the principles gained from our IPE training into practice, my colleagues (Mr RCS Pineda & Ms RAL Sumulong) proposed and conducted a series of IPE seminars and workshops for AUF faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students.

Accomplishment reports for these IPE-focused seminars and workshops can be seen in the hyperlinks below:


Learning More about IPE and IPC Globally 

Upon entering my PhD studies, I am so grateful that my scholarship at the Tokyo Metropolitan University gave me the opportunity to attend and present at international conferences around the world. These academic events enable me to be more critical in making my research in occupational therapy and substance addiction more relevant especially when applied to the community. This year alone, I was able to learn a lot from the IPE-oriented meetings and conferences I attended in Finland, United Kingdom, and Switzerland.

Accomplishment reports about my recent conferences can be downloaded in the hyperlinks below:


To know more about IPE and IPC, please visit the CAIPE Website.
For speakerships and IPE seminars, please send me a message.


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