Ph. D. Year 1 Milestones / M. P. Sy (updated 11.24.17)
This subpage contains a list of my accomplishment in the past year (September 2016 to October 2017) as a Ph.D. student of the Department of Occupational Therapy, Tokyo Metropolitan University. The list includes my publications, award(s), conference attendance and participation, lectureships, study visits and fieldworks, and other academic and research activities. This online publication is being done for auditing, transparency, and leveraging purposes. I am now a Year 2 Ph.D. student and am looking forward to expanding my knowledge on substance addiction and rehabilitation, fostering more international and national partnerships, and creating more collaborative research to advance the occupational therapy profession in Asia. If you are interested to work with me or if you have pressing questions and you think I can be of help, please feel free to message me.
Peer-reviewed journal
Sy, M. P., Ohshima, N. & Roraldo, M. P. N. R. (2018). The Role of Filipino Occupational Therapists in Substance Addiction and Rehabilitation: A Q-Methodology. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, doi: 10.1080/0164212X.2018.1446206
Sy, M. P. (2017). Filipino therapists’ experiences and attitudes of interprofessional education and collaboration: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31(6), 761-770, ​doi: 10.1080/13561820.2017.1359509
Online publications
Sy, M. P. (6 October 2017). Use OT dialogue to inform, inspire, and influence thinking about occupational therapy. Retrieved from
Sy, M. P. (22 September 2017). CAIPE report: Reflections from the 7th European Interprofessional Education Network Conference 2017. Retrieved from
Sy, M. P. (2018). Interprofessional education student network spreading all over the world. In N. Ohshima (Ed.), Interprofessional learning series / Collaborative education and practice of health, medical, and welfare professionals: [Volume 3] Introduction to interprofessional learning for beginners (pp. 203-213). Tokyo, Japan: Kyodo Isho.
Received a travel grant worth GBP 800 from the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) [UK] to attend and represent CAIPE at the EIPEN 2017 in Lausanne, Switzerland
Association of Medical Education in Europe Conference 2017 (Helsinki, Finland)
Sy, M. P., Martinez, P. G. V., & Ohshima, N. (2017). The status of inteprofessional education and collaboration within occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy professions in the Philippines [Poster presentation], Association of Medical Education in Europe Conference 2017, Helsinki, Finland. Dundee, UK: AMEE.
European Interprofessional Education Network Conference 2017 (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Sy, M. P., Ohshima, N., & Low, H. (2017). Creating a service model of interprofessional collaboration in substance addiction and rehabilitation settings in the Philippines using the Kawakita Jiro method and T-E-A-M protocol approaches [Round table discussion], European Interprofessional Education Network Conference 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland. Belgium: EIPEN.
1st Asia-Pacific Interprofessional Education and Collaboration Conference (APIPEC) (Surakarta, Indonesia)
Sy, M. P. & Ohshima, N. (2017). Interprofessional education student network spreading all over the world [oral presentation], APIPEC, Indonesia. Surakarta: Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret.
1st Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Symposium (APOTS), Taipei, Taiwan
Sy, M. P., Ohshima, N., Lee, B., Pineda, R. C. S., & Sumulong, R. A. L. (2017). Upskilling occupational therapy students and practitioners through interprofessional education [symposium], APOTS, Taiwan. Taipei: Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.
Sy, M. P., Ohshima, N., & Roraldo, M. P. N. (2017). The role of Filipino occupational therapists in drug rehabilitation [oral presentation], APOTS, Taiwan. Taipei: Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.
Sy, M. P., Amante, K. S. D., Guanlao, I. C. V., Pangilinan, J. A. B., & Villanueva, J. L. (2017). Readiness of health science students from Angeles University Foundation towards Interprofessional Education [poster presentation], APOTS, Taiwan. Taipei: Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.
Chupradit, S., Sy, M. P., Ramos, J. M. R. D., Pineda, R. C. S., & Jindakum, N. (2017). Exploring occupational therapy partnership between Chiang Mai University and Angeles University Foundation: Lessons learned from an international exchange program [poster presentation], APOTS, Taiwan. Taipei: Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.
Katigbak, B. A., Sy, M. P., Chupradit, S., Pineda, R. C. S., & Ramos, J. M. R. D. (2017). The occupational therapy internship exchange of Angeles University Foundation and Chiang Mai University: A qualitative study [oral presentation], APOTS, Taiwan. Taipei: Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.
Francisco, C. M. R., Guevarra, C. A. L., Viray, R. E. T., Panotes, A. A., & Sy, M. P. (2017). Occupational Therapy Students Assembly: Preparing Filipino occupational therapy students for professional life [oral presentation], APOTS, Taiwan. Taipei: Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.
Philippine Academy of Occupational Therapists Convention 2017 (Manila, Philippines)
Amante, K. S., Sy, M. P., & Ramos, J. M. R. D. (2017). Educator experience of occupational therapy students in a plot academic placement [oral presentation], PAOT Convention 2017. Manila: Philippine Academy of Occupational Therapists, Inc.
Sy, M. P. (9 December 2016). Occupational therapy in the Philippines [Powerpoint slides]. Tokyo Metropolitan University, Arakawa, Japan.
Sy, M. P. (2017). The art of presenting scientific ideas [Lecture]. Angeles University Foundation, Angeles, Philippines. Retrieved from
Sy, M. P. (27 June 2017). Global network of interprofessional learners [Powerpoint slides]. Tokyo Metropolitan University, Akihabara, Japan.
Sy, M. P. (1 July 2017). An Asian perspective towards the occupational therapy profession [Powerpoint slides]. Gunma University, Japan.
Sy, M. P. (15 September 2017). The tripartite facet of an excellent occupational therapist [Powerpoint slides]. Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surakarta Jurusan Okupasi Terapi (Department of Occupational Therapy, Solo Polytechnic University), Surakarta, Indonesia.
Sy, M. P. (27 October 2017). 525,600 minutes: A year at the Arakawa campus [Powerpoint slides]. Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minami-Osawa, Japan.
Sy, M. P. (3-4 November 2017). Basic principles: Interprofessional education and collaborative practice [Powerpoint slides]. Hananoka Hospital, Mie, Japan.
Study Visits
Learning Outcome 1: To visit mental health care facilities and learn about mental health care systems in Japan
Kyoto Rakunan Mental Hospital (Kyoto, Japan), January 2017
IL BOSCO, Toho University Medical Center (Kamata, Tokyo), February 2017
Learning Outcome 2: To conduct a commissioning trip and create networks for future research collaboration in relation to my research on substance addiction and rehabilitation
Philippine General Hospital, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine (Manila, Philippines), March 2017
Mariveles Mental Hospital (Mariveles, Bataan, Philippines), March 2017
Department of Health – Drug Rehabilitation Center (Bicutan, Taguig City, Philippines), March 2017
Baranggay 69 [community/village] (Tondo, Manila, Philippines), March 2017
International Formal Study and Training Certifications
Passed. Occupational Science Course at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences, and Society, Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), Fall Semester 2017.