Today, I am thankful for the learnings I received at the National Hospital Organization Kurihama Medical and Addiction Center (WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Alcohol-Related Disorders). This study visit is an example of an independent study in our Ph.D. endeavor. After our fruitful discussions with OTs, nurses, and psychiatrists in the national center, I have noted five take home learnings from this study visit:
🎯Providing clients with addiction problems with activity choices is a vital part of recovery.
🎯Gaming and internet addiction is becoming a crucial health and social problem in modern society today.
🎯Forensic occupational therapy is a role-emerging practice that I believe can be useful in Philippine society today.
🎯Occupational therapists remain to have a small voice within substance addiction and rehabilitation (SAR) practice necessitating assertiveness from OT champions to conduct training, knowledge sharing, and research.
🎯Enabling the hands to create meaningful things is a 100-year old gift occupational therapy has been offering to the people of the world.
Thank you Mr. Tetsutaro Kosago and Mr. Takeshi Misawa for your warm welcome and for sharing with us your knowledge and experiences in OT and SAR. Looking forward to more collaborations in the future! Otsukaresamadeshita!