Free Seminar and Research on Drug Addiction & Rehabilitation
Dear Friends, Greetings!
I am inviting you to join a free seminar and research activity entitled "The role of Filipino occupational therapists in substance addiction and rehabilitation". This research collaboration between Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan) (Ethics Acceptance No. 17016) and the Philippine Academy of Occupational Therapists Inc. aims to provide an evidence in identifying the role of occupational therapy in community mental health programs and in health policy making on dangerous drugs.
Specific details are listed below:
*Date: June 18, 2017 (Sunday)
*Time: 0900 - 1200
*Venue: Room 202, College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines Manila, Pedro Gil Street, Manila, Philippines (Google Map:
*Eligible Participants (max of 30 participants; first come, first served):
1) OTRP who has worked in any psychosocial setting for at least 6 months
2) Mental health professional with at least 6 months work experience (i.e., psychiatrist, addiction specialist, psychologist, social worker, counselor, police, BHW, etc.)
3) Individuals who have formerly gone to drug rehabilitation due to substance use or formerly diagnosed with substance use disorder
4) Carers with a family member who have undergone drug rehabilitation
Schedule: Please see poster for more details.
*Fee: Free of Charge
Please feel free to share this information to the people you know who may contribute to this research endeavor.
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To contact principal investigator: